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Saturday, December 21, 2024

Eight Most Evident Public Health Challenges For The 21st Century

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Two years into the third decade, global society faces more public health challenges than in the past 50 years.

A significant contributor to that issue is the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020 was a devastating year for everyone, and the following one hasn’t been exactly pleasant.

An utterly unknown virus, which spread like fire around the globe, placed itself as one of the top killers. This further shed light on flaws splintering our health systems.

We became accustomed to technological advancements and their ability to prevent diseases. Because of it, health services worldwide struggle to cater to people with COVID-19 while simultaneously providing them with healthcare services. 

In emerging as what is probably one of the most deadly viruses humans have ever encountered, it threatens to set us back in the hard-earned health progress we made over the past 2 to 3 decades.

So, here we are in 2022, where the battle against COVID-19 continues. While global research facilitates producing vaccines by the minute, the virus produces more variants.

While we are upgrading tools to use against the virus, they will be useless unless we reinforce our healthcare systems, making them stronger than before. 

To do this, we would encounter specific challenges that require careful planning and consideration. So, to keep you updated on recent trends, we are providing you with relevant information. Keep reading to see the latest public health planning explained in detail. 

Global Solidarity For Worldwide Security

Countries globally must improve their response and readiness to deal with unforeseen events like pandemics or health emergencies.

However, if this endeavor is to succeed, countries must align and work in harmony. We need to focus on our strengths instead of our differences. As the horrifying pandemic has laid it out before our eyes, no one is safe unless everyone is. 

This also includes a renewed focus on health emergencies occurring in humanitarian settings, especially those heavily affected by COVID-19. 

Widen Access To COVID-19 Test, Medications & Vaccines 

After efficient coordination comes equally efficient tools. Hence their importance to their transport and deliverance to every healthcare facility possible.

With the assurance of putting the healthcare system on track, the swifter access to effective vaccines, treatments, and tests, the quicker the tide of this endless pandemic will turn in our favor. 

While the viruses’ eradication tools are undoubtedly promising, one of the biggest challenges we still face is the funds needed for the proper distribution.

While WHO is aiding countries worldwide, there is a considerable gap between those who received medicines and those who haven’t.

Advancement Of Healthcare

While healthcare for all is always the essential focal point (or so it seems) when drawing up guidelines and laws for healthcare, this factor is often overlooked.

We must neglect these systems no further and build a system that can effectively respond to COVID-19 and provide access to all the healthcare services that every age group requires.

All those close to home will allow them to afford such services without falling into poverty.

Two crucial initiatives will guide this work: implementing and rolling out WHO’s new primary health care program around the globe and launching the UHC compendium.

It is a means to aid countries in identifying the essential health services they require — for example, ensuring that women can give birth safely, that children are adequately vaccinated, etc.

Managing Health Inequities 

World-changing events like the pandemic often bring attention to various issues like the persistence of deep-seated disparities amongst countries.

To control this or lessen the effects of these hostilities, we can draw on WHO data and use it to further universal health coverage by building on existing and international commitments.

Another challenge will be that countries must address issues relating to ethnicity, income, living in remote areas, gender, education, and disability while maintaining all of the above.

Global Leadership On Science

We all know that the virus will not go quickly already; several variants have crawled out of the hole. Therefore, we need to push the scientific / research development along faster to keep up. WHO will aid in monitoring and evaluating these advancements. 

To provide the best healthcare at a global level, we must strengthen the relevance and effectiveness of our technology functions.

To give the world the best solutions and remedies for public health regarding problems like Alzheimer’s.

Communicable Diseases

Organizations like WHO have tirelessly worked to end diseases like HIV, tuberculosis, polio, and malaria across the globe; however, efforts ceased entirely during 2020 and followed through 2021 when the initial outbreak for COVID-19 occurred.

Hospitals were overflowing with COVID-19 positive patients, thus protecting against the other diseases that lay forgotten or prevented in fear of contracting the virus. 

So the people who missed out, the countries will revitalize efforts to get vaccines for protection against diseases like polio. 

Preventing/Treating Mental Health Conditions

The resulting lockdown had quite an impact on people. Unfortunately for most, it wasn’t pleasant. Being confined to their homes, with fear and uncertainty hanging in the air, left a lasting effect on everyone.

Thus, we must extend efforts to provide mental health care and conduct programs to prevent such a thing from happening again.

Drug Resistance

Success to global efforts to end infectious diseases will only occur if we have effective medicines to treat them.

An approach here is the use of antimicrobials. So, organizations like WHO and Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and stakeholders across all sectors to preserve antimicrobials can significantly help.

Furthermore, WHO will continue to improve global monitoring and ensure that antimicrobial resistance is a factor in strengthening the health system and health emergency preparedness plans.


We hope this clears up a little on the public health policies and how they may change in the foreseeable future. Remember, no one is safe until everyone is safe! You can make a difference in the process by playing your part.

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